Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm tired.

Yeah, I thought that I'd do a bunch of work this weekend and catch up on stuff, but that's not really happening. I need to get moving on my thesis or I'll never get it done by the beginning of summer. I presented what I have for it so far in my research analysis class this week, and now, because of the comments from my classmates, I have a gabillion ideas for ways to change it. Maybe if I write out a timeline, then I'll be more able to actually accomplish it...okay, I'm hoping to get together the rest of my thesis committee by the end of the month. Maybe I can make my deadline for revising my survey and sending in all my stuff for IRB approval the first week in November. Then, hopefully I'll get my data collected sometime in November or December, but definitely before winter break starts...boy, I don't know if all that will happen by the end of the semester, what with all the other crap I have going on. I definitely have to get the IRB thing done though, or else I won't pass by research class.
Tomorrow Sarah is coming to hang out with me. Maybe we'll go to an apple orchard. Yay!
Next weekend, Jake is coming to Madison to watch the homecoming game. I'm excited, but just writing that reminds me that I need to get my butt in gear and start working ahead on stuff now because I'm not going to get anything done for school next weekend...
I had to grade videotapes for my TA job this weekend. I have to say that Shelly and I are doing an awesome job as TAs...we're working our butts off. The first-years turned in their tapes on Wednesday and we're going to have them graded by Monday...dude, last year it was weeks before I got feedback on my videotapes...
I'm not really feeling this homework junk right now...maybe I should just relax and take some time off tonight... I already did my reading for two classes, graded a videotape, did a taped counseling session with a classmate, and printed off a report for practicum today. That's something, right? Screw it...I think I might go walk to Family Video and rent a movie or something...I'm sick of being a slave to school. It's flippin' Saturday...anyone who's not a grad student has a life on Saturdays...I can't wait till this school junk is over with...

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