Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here are a few things I want to do in 2009

1. Start my own garden: I'll have to get to this this spring sometime.

2. Attempt to bike to work when I can: I'll wait until the days are a bit longer and warmer to do this. Hopefully, I can work out a way to do this a couple of times a week. I'm also hoping that it won't take me that much longer than waiting around for the bus, etc.

3. Shoot a gun: I know this is a weird one for me to have on here, but I want to know what it is like to do it once at least. Maria, do you think we can plan to go shoot clay pigeons over Thanksgiving? If not, I'll have to find a range to go to so I can try it out. I think doing it in Wisco with Maria would be more fun as well as cheaper, though.

4. Learn to can: I think I'll try to get to this sometime this summer.

5. Get a dog: I think Jake and I will start looking in February.

A couple of these might replace items on my big list (which has an ending date of July 14th...yikes!). I'm actually not doing too bad overall. I didn't really expect I'd wind up doing 100% of what I wrote on that list, anyway. I wonder if I should make another big list once my anniversary is done or not. It is fun to look back and see that I have done a lot of things in the last year and a half or so; however, I don't know quite how I want to define the next phase of my life. If I had to guess, I would think the next couple years will be spent: a) settling into our house, making it efficient and sustainable and b) enjoying fun activities before actually having a family. Also, I purposefully didn't write anything too specific for career goals on my current (big) list, but I wonder if I should think about coming up with a new direction for the next list. I've furthermore been kicking around the idea of doing some sort of service going to another country for a couple of months to build schools or something (anyone have suggestions on good programs to go through? I doubt I could commit to a year like you did, Emily, but I think I could make a month or two work). I need to find ways to make myself feel useful. My job definitely doesn't make me feel useful. I did start volunteering once a month with The Reading Connection, but I think I need more than that.

The ideas for this next list are all very vague, I know, but at least my first few goals above to start the New Year are more specific and time-bound. These other thoughts are just seeds of goals for another list, if I wind up doing one. What do people think? Should I write another one? Should I do a list recap this summer to talk about the highlights of completing items on the current list?


Sarah said...

My dad would love you. He's big on goals and loves the idea of "standing in your future." He told me the other day that my resolution should be to get organized. I found his comment slightly insulting, but only because of its truth. I never thought of myself as disorganized growing up, but I am. And I also kind of believe that disorganized surroundings are often a reflection of a discorganized mind/life. That scares me...what am I doing wrong??

I think your goals sound attainable and purposeful, both of which are important qualities of a goal. A recpap this summer to talk about the highlights of the list would be least for me to read. :)

Happy 2009!

Candy said...

I don't think of you as particularly disorganized. I think the places you've lived have seemed relatively clean and neat to me. How do you think you are disorganized?

Sarah said...

Well, my room can never stay clean for very long, I sometimes "shove" stuff into my closet without the intent of actually finding a space for it, and I have been getting late fines every so often for overdue books, late payments, etc. In general, I let things build up until things are too overwhelming to deal with or until I get some sort of consequence, like a late fee or public scolding. Visitors (like you!) help me be more organized, though. Maybe I should invite people into my bedroom more often. ;)

Maria said...

Candy, we can totally shoot guns sometime in Wisco.

And, ugh, speaking of disorganized... I just found a whole stack of bills from the doctor (from my million visits this fall). I have no idea where they all came from (I have a suspicion that they were all in one envelope and that I didn't realize that there were, like, four or five in one envelope). And they are all overdue! ARGG!

Candy, you're so good at making lists and doing the things on them. I'm totally afraid to make another list after the 101 Things list. Maybe 50 (or 5) is more attainable-- probably-- but they make me so nervous.

I have yet to make any New Years resolutions. Or to do any end of 2008 pondering and introspection (maybe this afternoon..) But I think I will now put together a half-birthday list by Jan. 7 for things to do by Jul. 7....

You're inspiring!

Emily said...

Shooting a gun is scary. Holding a gun is scary. Loading it is really scary. This all relates to handguns...I have shot a rifle before, but it was a long time ago. And I didn't load it, my dad did.

I'm totally not a gun person, but I really wanted to learn how to shoot one, as well. I had no idea at all about how to load or shoot one...turn on/off a safety, etc.

Was I telling you about the places in Korea where you can drink beer and shoot guns?