Sunday, April 29, 2007

Okay, just give me a job where I sit behind a computer all day...

Well, there has been lots of drama in my life lately. Most notably, I decided to quit my job, due to being promised a promotion that never came. They hired an outside teacher and also made another facilitator a "substitute teacher" (which is really crappy for her, because it means more work for her yet it's not really a promotion). My last day will be May 11.

I had to work yesterday (Saturday) to make up for one of the snow days we had back in February. I had a feeling that some of the comments and actions of the program directors of the school were related to the fact that I had quit earlier in the week. They said something about letting us all "in on the process a bit too much" and also said something about how they had been too generous in the past in giving raises and promotions to people who were unhappy and came in to talk with them. They felt it necessary to give us all gift cards to Starbucks and tell us all how appreciated we are. I expected to have to come in and clean on Saturday and I'm glad that didn't happen. They have made us clean the school on teacher work days in the past...and they were really anal about little details. They inspected the rooms after we finished and came up with a list of complaints about them. We had to fix the rooms that day before they let us have lunch. We were also told that we had 15 minutes to get our lunch and come back, which is ridiculous because then we came back afterwards and literally sat around the last half of the day. They didn't really need us there for anything. You'd think they could show us some appreciation by allowing us an hour lunch on a day without students. You'd also think they'd show that they take us seriously by providing employees (who are all college graduates) with some actual training and education on these days instead of making us do janitorial work (we do have a janitor, by the way...).

Blah.'s all over with now.

I don't know what I'm going to do next. I'm feeling pretty disillusioned about working with people. I used to say that I wanted a job that would help people. Now I'm not so sure...

Jake and I walked to Safeway this week because I felt like getting some ice cream. Overhearing the conversations that went on there made me depressed about the state of humanity. There was a man in our checkout lane who was talking loudly about (of all things) hunting geese. He thought it was a waste of time and effort. He said something like, "First, you have two thousand dollars worth of guns and ammunition. Then, you have to have camo. That's another thousand dollars. Then, you have to take days off work to go. That's another thousand dollars. You're better off buying four thousand dollars of goose meat from the store. It's all cleaned and everything for you." Wow. I have no idea how this guy estimated the cost of hunting...and I don't know where he's going to buy four thousand dollars worth of goose meat. Are there factory farms that raise geese? A woman (who mentioned that she was 67 years old) in the lane next to us overheard the guy talking about geese and she said that geese could be very mean. She said she was trying to touch some geese babies and the mother goose came after her. I just rolled my eyes. What do you expect lady? A wild animal is just going to let you mess around with its young? How can you not have learned in 67 years on this earth that animals will defend their babies? So, yeah, I'm convinced there are far too many idiots walking around out there. Why would I ever want to help people?


Emily said...

i'm glad you quit your job. it sounded like hell on earth.

i, too, get extremely depressed about the idiocy/ignorance of people. because we all know i'm the epitome of intelligence/wisdom.

Sarah said...

You need something more positive for a job...not something that will feel like a weight pulling you down. Finding that is the tricky part. I suggest being a greeter at your local Wal-Mart!

Maria said...
