Monday, March 24, 2008

Falling Behind

I constantly have the feeling that I'm not accomplishing everything I want. Do other people feel this way, too? I don't know if my day-to-day "to-do" lists are too ambitious or what...

Some of my recent examples of not measuring up to my own expectations:

  • I may shelve the idea of a weekly food blog. I did take pictures of a polenta chili bake I made two Sundays ago, but I've been too busy/stressed and possibly lazy to put them up. Oh, and the recipe was totally ad libbed, but I didn't bother to write it down. I think I'm waiting to make something more impressive before considering a recipe "authored". Yesterday, Jake and I made those brats and italian sausages from the guy who raises pigs in the woods on the grill. I didn't take any pictures though. Yup, the food blog is losing steam. Maybe if I make something cool once the CSA produce starts rolling in, I'll make some food posts...maybe.
  • I've been working on knitting this damn scarf for Jake for what seems like forever now. He'd better wear it after its finished.
  • When I started my job, I thought I'd get a lot more reading done, since I am on the train for 40-50 minutes total every day. However, I think my book reading is slowing down. I'll typically read the paper on the way into work. On my way back, I usually end up standing for at least part of the ride. So, I don't often get around to pulling out reading material coming home. Lately, I usually just listen to music. (Sidenote: I feel pressure to stay on top of the news constantly. Does anyone feel this? I feel like I need to be able to keep up with conversation at work...)

My parents were in town over the weekend. I want to try to write a blog about what we did and how things went. I may try to do that tomorrow...(Jake is busy with our cameras right now and I'll want to put in pictures).

Sometimes I really, really want to blog about work. A lot of what I want to say I don't think I should post online, though. Man, it's so tempting to do, though...

Maybe I can post about the disorganized catastrophe that was our last staff meeting. That might be safe. I wasn't over the line on the other staff meeting I posted about, was I? The one where we talked about the Meyers-Briggs?

There are things about how things operate at my job that I don't think I should put up, though. I also really want to write blurbs about the people I work with, but I wouldn't want them finding out I wrote about them or have their names up on here or anything.

Jeez, I wish I knew of a good set of rules about blogging about work. Maybe I should read up on examples of people who have been fired as a result of their blogs. Hmm...maybe I can do that while at work tomorrow.


Sarah said...

If it makes you feel any better, it has been my goal since last April to get my hair cut and highlighted. Do you think that is difficult or too time-consuming? I don't. Have I even called to make an appointment yet? No. That is sad.

I don't think I have the same pressure to keep up the current events dialogue at conversations usually revolve around cleaning up, using a quiet voice, and how to be a good friend. Oh, wait...tomorrow we may talk about what we did during spring break, which is pretty current.

Seriously, I wouldn't get too down about anything you mentioned. I hope you had fun with your family!!

Your (I actually typed "you're" in first) birthday's coming up...any plans??? Maybe the Badgers will give you a basketball miracle! Go red!!

Emily said...

Dude, if that's ll you're feeling behind on, then count yourself successful.

I need a different job and I've been PATHETIC with finding one. It's bad. I'm like a worthless human being right now. Seriously.

I've found that I really like cooking. I'm not too good at it, but I like it. I made a roast the other day for the first time. That was exciting. But I've discovered that I'm not a very good cookie maker. Which is maybe for the best. I need to stop eating shit like that. I swear I'm going on 400 lbs.

Candy said...

Oh, believe me, Em...there's plenty more I'm falling behind on, that's just a few things that came to mind immediately.

Isn't cooking great, though? Food is awesome.

Oh, and Sarah, I'm organizing a bus trip to go to some wineries for my birthday. I'm really excited for it...

I miss both you gals. We need to set up a conference call or something sometime...