Sunday, December 18, 2005

I'm pretty sure that I am getting stupider.

Well, grad school alone makes me feel like I'm getting stupider. It's like the world's knowledge is this huge mural and all I can focus on is a little smudge of paint in the lower left-hand corner. I live in a school psych cave. I feel like once upon a time I had access to broader bases of knowledge...

But that's not all. I'm also forced to take education classes here in Eau Claire that treat me like a child and propagate misinformation. I took a class this past summer in which we spent half of our day practicing acting (it was supposed to be a class about learning human relations)...we pretended we were different types of animals, we had to "sculpt" emotions nonverbally with our bodies...what a load of crap. Now I'm in this stupid class that is supposed to be teaching me about reading. This prof. got up in the front of the room and started talking about learning disabilities and ADHD as if they are synonymous. All of the school psych students just gasped...and this woman just kept talking and talking and didn't address why half of the room looked shocked and offended. Now she wants us to create an art project as half of our final. All we have to do is make something artsy that mentions the word reading and we get an A. is so frustrating that I'm paying for these classes that are only making me stupid.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

hi, yep i have a blog! it's pretty new though, but i'm enjoying it.

there is some saying that i always remember when i feel like i'm getting stupider. it's something like, "the more you learn, the more you realize you really don't know anything." because you're realizing how much there really is to know in the world.

anyway, that may not go with what you said necessarily, but i don't think you're getting stupider!

nice magazine cover, by the way. my mom also wants me to teach her photoshop over break. that should be interesting.