Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Interview Suit

Today I bought an interview suit. I have no idea if it looks okay or not. I tried on like 800 of them. I was in the stupid store forever. It was really irritating. I have problems finding pants that fit, let alone pants that match suit jackets and crap. I'm also an idiot. What the heck am I supposed to wear underneath the suit part? I bought this camisole thing, but I'm not sure if I should wear that or not. Is that inappropriate for an interview? I took pictures of myself wearing the camisole and wearing a scoop-neck blue shirt underneath. Which one works better? Is blue even the best color to wear with brown? Am I dumb for buying a brown suit? I tried to find a black one, but all the black stuff they had at the store didn't fit me right...Oh crap. As if I'm not nervous enough about interviews in general, now I have to be nervous that I buy clothes that make me look like an idiot.
I found out yesterday that Fairfax County will also interview me in January when I'm out visiting Jake. Hopefully that will increase my chances of actually getting a job...


L. Sanchez said...

Aw. You look so unhappy. Or like you have allergies or something...

I think the sweater looks best. Most appropriate at least. And I do like the brown on blue combo. It works. So work it, baby!

Emily said...

I think you look very nice in your brand spankin' new suit. I would also say that the scoop neck shirt works better for an interview than the camisole. But if you want sexy business lady, then go with the camisole. :)