Saturday, August 19, 2006

You can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being

So, before I moved here, I thought that Justin's assholish personality was just some sort of joke. I thought he was joking about being a spiteful, angry, bitter person. Not so. I'm pretty sure that he seriously *is* an asshole. It never clicked until I moved out here with him...this is why a lot of the guys at Triangle, etc. don't like him.

Anyway, there have been two incidents in the past week that have pissed me off. As usual, he still can't condescend to say hello to me or Jake any time he comes into the apartment. Luckily, we still don't see him too often. I don't know what he does with his time. However, on Wednesday night at about 1:30am, he decided that he wanted his presence known. I woke up to hear doors repeatedly slamming out in the hallway. First his bedroom door, then his bathroom door, then the front door, then his bedroom door again, then his bathroom door again...SLAM!SLAM!SLAM!SLAM!SLAM!SLAM! Then I heard him in his bathroom throwing up...because he's a drunk ass. I think he honestly thought of the slamming the doors in the hallway as some sort of "retribution" for Jake trying to enter his room at night a few weeks back (the little bit that I do know about Justin is that he really believes in the time he purposefully left Jake's umbrella in a bar because Jake accidentally broke one of his glasses in the dishwasher. Ass.). Our apology note from a few weeks ago, which he had left hanging on his bedroom door, was taken down the next morning. What a fucker.

The second incident happened last night. Jake and I were asleep when Justin came in at 12:30am and turned on a movie in the living room. He cranked up the volume on Jake's speakers and we could hear the bass thumping in our bedroom. I lay in bed saying "What The Fuck." I decided that I did not want to put up with his crap, so I walked out into the living room, still groggy from being awakened and said, "Can you turn that down some?" He replied, "Perhaps that can be arranged," and picked up the stereo remote to turn down the volume. I said, "Thanks." He responded by saying, "Tell Jake he's welcome." WTF? I guess I don't count as a person or was ME asking him to turn down his shit. ME. He can say "You're welcome" to ME. Anyway, he didn't really turn down the volume, so I had to hear his stupid movie for the next two hours. ASSHOLE.

I had a good laugh this morning when I opened the refrigerator and found that Justin had placed a bunch of bananas in there. HAHAHA. That's like rule #1 with bananas...they like the tropical equator, so you don't put them in the refrigerator. You know, like the Chiquita bananas song.

In conclusion, not only is he an asshole, but he's a stupid asshole.

If he thinks we're going to actually share the expenses to rent a U-haul with him when we move out...he's got another thing coming. He'll have to actually *gasp* have an actual conversation with us in order for that to happen. He can't just keep sending Jake emails demanding whatever he wants...


Anonymous said...

Make sure you get a forwarding address when he moves out. G Bear and I can send letters and leave phone messages that insinuate that he's a threat to homeland security. Well get the CIA to kick his ass in no time (The gov. has to be good for something, right?).

L. Sanchez said...

Or rather "Karma".

Karama is Karma's dopey cousin from 'Bama. He doesn't balance out the universe. He works at Kinkos.

Karama won't be kicking my ass anytime soon on account of his one leg being wooden. (Doesn't every family have a peg legged Southern black sheep that works at Kinkos?)

PS Is it just me or are these word verification thingys getting harder and harder? I feel like I'm taking the SAT's sometimes...Like I really get *nervous* that I'll answer incorrectly.