Monday, April 24, 2006


I think I might start taking this beginner yoga class on Tuesday nights. It'll give me something to do and hopefully will help me feel less tense sometimes. Has anyone else taken beginning yoga? Maria, you took a yoga class and liked it, right? I think it'll work out well. It starts next week and runs for four weeks, so I'll be done at the end of May. Well, I guess I'll post again if I actually sign up and go through with it.


Emily said...

Next time I see you you need to demonstrate that pose for me.

Emily said...


I just went from my site to yours and we had the exact same number of hits. Coincidence? I think not...

Maria said...

I took a yoga class once. I liked it for the most part. I don't think I took a kind of yoga that I would like. I did Kundalini (sp?) yoga which is all about glowing Chakras. We were supposed to chant, but I wasn't really into that part of it. I keep looking for another class, though.

I hope you like it.

L. Sanchez said...

I was reading about Yoga in my Virgin's Guide to Everything book that Maria gave me...Maybe I'll copy the bits about yoga in it and send it to ya.

I'm not at all flexible enough for yoga.

I like granola though...

But not Birkenstocks.

And I think Chakras and Auruas and shit are crap.

Yeah. I'm not a very yoga-y (?) type of person...

I want to take a self defense class.

I'm paranoid and abrasive and small and prone to wander into dangerous and ill lit alley ways. Self-defense class seems like more my speed, eh?

Or ballroom dancing! Even though I lack any real talent for dancing.

Remember Nate? Nate had to dance with me in gym class one year. He was damn good too. A natural athelete...

Is it weird that this is how it goes in my mind: Nate, dancing, suicide...It's a triangle like that. But the one always leads to the other, you know?

Like if I think about dancing I'll inevitably think about Nate which will inevitably lead me to think about suicide. If I think about suicide I'll think about Nate which will lead me to think about dancing...etc

Hmm. Was that random? I'm thristy and bored. (And now bummed because of Nate.)