Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Thing Is, They Speak Portuguese in Brazil.

Today Jake and I went to Chipotle. The man in line in front of me turned to me and asked, "Do you speak Spanish?" I said, "Umm...I speak a little bit, I guess." I wondered if he was asking me this because he wanted to say something to one of the Hispanic workers behind the counter. Then he asked, "Do you speak French?" I responded, "No, not really..." and gave him a quizzical look. He went on to say he was asking because I look "either Brazilian or Eastern European or something..." I said, "I guess I have a German background? That's European..."

Geez, what a weird, random thing to say to me. How the hell do I look Brazilian? Not that I'm complaining. I guess they say Brazilian women are hot. Maybe it was his strange attempt to hit on me.

The moral of the story is: if this is what some people go around saying to other people randomly, I should be a little bit more comfortable starting small talk with people. I think I could come up with something a bit more intelligent to say.


Maria said...

HA!!! That's awesome.

YOu should go around saying random things to people. You probabaly wouldn't seem as weird as that guy!

Can't wait to see you!

Maria said...

I was thinking more about this. There's a grad student I know named Cinzia and she's from Italy. I think you have some as the same facial features as her, like the shape of your face and your skin tone...

L. Sanchez said...

Portueguese (sp?) is a combination of Spanish/French. So maybe he was...idunno, thinking of that when he asked. Though I don't know why the fuck he wouldn't have just asked if you spoke Portueguese...