Monday, May 29, 2006


It's very nearly been ONE YEAR of me having this blog. Crazy. I can't believe that I've stuck with it this long. Have I gotten anything out of it?

Huh. Reviewing my past posts, I realize how much I really hate grad school. Seriously, I hate it. I'm glad it's pretty much over. I may try to stick this thesis thing out, just to say that I did it. I might not get the Ed.S. degree (due to not being able to find an internship), but at least I tried. I hope it does me some good to say that I have a master's degree. What does that say about me? I can sit and take a four hour exam? I can put up with lots of crap?

Seriously, whenever I talk about something bad, it has to do with school. Whenever good things come up, it has to do with Jake or with friends... this is the theme of my life.

Now I need to find a job that I don't hate. What that could possibly be, I have no idea...

Soon, I will be moving. It'll be like starting over. I can't wait. I really do feel that I need a fresh start somewhere. I just hope that it doesn't take me too long to find a job. I also hope that I don't drive myself crazy. I'm hoping that I'll be able to be in a better mood just by having Jake around. It's really easy to get way wrapped in my own thoughts about my shortcomings living alone. At least Jake will be a distraction from that...

I just hope I'm generally happier in another year from now. What would make me happy? Well, I think having Jake to be with is a good start...but I also think that I'd like to have a job where I feel useful...and I'd like to feel that I am financially secure and able to pay my loans...and I'd like to have friends and hobbies to keep me entertained. Let's see if that happens...

1 comment:

ilaiy said...

All the best in finding a job .. Should not be really difficult ...
