Sunday, July 31, 2005

Are my feet any tanner?

Well, it's been about a week and I've been trying to get my feet tan. I haven't worn my Tevas at all, and I've been trying to spend a bit of time outside everyday. But, as you can see, I don't think that it's working...Do I have to put sunblock on the parts of my feet that are tan already or something?
How do you like my new nail polish? The name of the color is "femme fatale". I feel weird wearing such a bright color on my toes.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could use that sunless tanner stuff?

Anonymous said...

Hi - I just ran across your blog. (Quite entertaining, I might say...) Anyway, I have had the same 'random tanned feet' before as well... and a great sunless tanner I have used (that works!) is Neutrogena's Micro Mist Tanning spray. Try using it for 3 days in a row, specifically where you are less tan, and you should see improvement. Anyways, happy summer!

Anonymous said...

This looks vaguely pornographic to me, but I can't explain why. Hmmm...

I think the painted toenails make it seem dirtier than it is.

Femme Fatale indeed.

I want the job of making up really dramatic names for nail polishes.

I'm pretty sure it's fuschia, but sex sells.