Monday, August 01, 2005

Wisconsin Circuit Courts

So, I found out from my classmates last week that there is a website you can go to and look up anyone's name to find out if they've had any kind of criminal charges against them or if they've had to go to civil court within Wisconsin. You can even find out about speeding tickets that people have had. One girl told me that she goes there and looks up random people she meets in the bar and people that she's considered dating and whatnot, just to make sure that they haven't been charged with all sorts of serious crimes or anything. I was fascinated, and of course, looked up a bunch of people that I know...I guess this website has been around for quite a have I never heard of this?
Anyway, tonight on the news, I heard that they might get end up charging a fee to use the website or get rid of older cases listed on the website because the state supreme court thinks that the site might be used by employers in order to discriminate against people listed on the site. Interesting...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but that site is so fun. I can look up my family and see how many tickets they got.

I could definitely see this being abused in the private sector for discrimination, so it might be a good way discourage abuse or raise funds for the state.

Anonymous said...

We use this in the library! I've searched it a ton too.

Lots of people ask for the site, so I bookmarked it a while back. It's pretty funny when someone asks you to help them with this cuz I always think in that they're some sort of criminal...

We get a lot of criminal types in the library.

Anonymous said...

Look my up and see my misdeameanor!

Actually, for all you princeton kids, you should look up the record of a redheaded boy that lived one mile from my house and was in my grade. I was being a bit of a stalker one day, but it was really fun so it's okay.