Jake, Justin, and I went to the Laughing Lizard Lounge in Alexandria for happy hour last Friday. They had a fake rooster in the bar! It was so exciting...I was having flashbacks of the rooster in Georgie's in Princeton.
I played darts and really sucked it up. Jake kept telling me to throw the darts hard, but then I tried just lobbing the darts up softly and it worked a lot better than me trying to whip the things as hard as I could.Here's that rooster from Georgie's. I wish I could remember how expensive that thing was. Man, I bet I could've bought the one from the Laughing Lizard for a lot cheaper.
Emily in Wyoming
14 years ago
It's the Year of the Cock right now! But live it up while it lasts...the Year of the Dog starts in a couple of weeks! January 29th is the Lunar New Year. I believe many of you guys are Dogs...I myself am a Cock. Cocks rock.
Candy, will you send out "Merrry Clucking Christmas!" cards out too?
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