Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lelani the Festivus Elf

Here's Justin opening his "bomb" while I was in Springfield last week.


L. Sanchez said...

I'm glad to see he's opening it by his crotchal area. "Crotchal area" is a medical term dontchaknow.

Jake looks excited. Was he expecting another enema fight?

Or maybe that's masked anger?

Is that their apartment? It looks so bare. They need to paint the place pink. And blue. And purple. And they need to hang up some parasols and lanterns and such.

Candy, I think you and I should undertake a covert operation to decorate thier apartment. You know: shelves full of stuffed animals and framed pictures of Winne the Pooh...

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a terrible idea. Booo.