Monday, January 23, 2006

Where I'll be moving this summer

Jake and Justin are going to move the weekend before I come out for my Prince William interview. They're moving to Crystal Towers in Arlington. Well, it'll be cool because I can check out what the place looks like while I'm out there. Lelani, want to give them any decorating tips before they move?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Prince William? Did I miss something?

Here is a card I found the other day, from you.

Merry Xmas from "Candyliz"!
fruitcake! freezing! fornicate! frost! fluff! funny! flat! frankincense! flabbergast! frank! fanatic! fizzle! fir! fire! fantastic! frontal! freckle!
fandy (+ Li'l Bao Wao).

Hahahaha! Remember when we were just shouting out words that started with F? I have no idea why.

Li'l Bao Wao is HILARIOUS!!!